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The Common Chair

What does it mean to apply Boolean operations on 3D objects?

 How does one "add" different designs together?

Hacking the Masters Chair

Taking the well known properties of Keter chairs like its plastic color,  back pattern and the leg footer  and combining them differently in each model.

The Common chair is a take on Philip Stark Masters chair done as an exercise of hacking the physical world around us by utilizing digital tools.

Inspired by the idea of Boolean actions between physical objects, I was thinking about what it means to combine multiple designs together.

This action raises a couple of questions like and how much of each object is preserved? How do you solve that “equation” of Boolean actions?

Unlike a deterministic mathematic action, the operation here is done by the designer interpretation of the input and desires for the output product.

Changing the input of Starks equations is not only a show of force but actually a statement: 

While the original chair combines three infamous chairs done by top designers, the Common chair combines Keter plastic chairs most recognizable designs.

By transferring the conversation of styling from the realm of “high design” or “lifestyle design”, to a more democratic \ basic socioeconomic world, we can discuss the application of digital tools on the objects in which they are embodied.

Hacking the Masters Chair

The Common Chair

The Common chair is a take on Philip Stark Masters chair, that aims to hack the physical world by utilizing digital tools.

Inspired by the idea of Boolean actions in Math, I was thinking about Boolean action between different designs.

This action raises a couple of questions like and how much of each design is preserved? How do you solve that “equation” of Boolean actions?

Unlike a deterministic mathematic action, in design the operation is open to the designer interpretation and desires for the output product.

Changing the input of the formula doesn't only change the output but also changes the conversation : in the original design the styling discusses elite design that is exclusive, however, using Keter chairs is more about our everyday design.

Year : 2018

Course: "System intervention" 

Academic supervisor: Dov Granshaw

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