Parametric code for a sealed silhouette that simulated the physical movement: after modifying the model to fit the physical measures, more complex inputs can be used.
Parametric inflatable system
Designing an inflatable parametric system constructed by fabric, air and a jointed segments that created sealed areas and restricts the air flow.
The transformation is directly manipulated by the gluing pattern. Each building block has a glued triangle, larger angle leads to a higher peak point.
The rules that defines the transformation can be modelled into a parametric model that mimics the physical movement and can predict how a design would look in real life given different gluing path.
This model could be used to achieve vast variety of structures that can be potentially used as architectural modules, soft robotic structures and more.
An intuitive way to understand the pattern of movement is to think of a sequence with triangles and trapeze. The triangles loose their area and the trapeze move towards each other.
A series of physical and methodical experiments allows mapping the connections between the 2D structure and the 3D form transformation.
Taking the single building block and exploring multi forms.
Year: 2019
Collaboration with: Shahar Asor & Itay Eden
Academic supervisor : Arielle Blonder
Parametric inflatable system
Designing an inflatable parametric system constructed by fabric, air and a jointed segments that created sealed areas and restricts the air flow.
The transformation is directly manipulated by the gluing pattern. Each building block has a glued triangle, larger angle leads to a higher peak point.
The rules that defines the transformation can be modelled into a parametric model that mimics the physical movement and can predict how a design would look in real life given different gluing path.
This model could be used to achieve vast variety of structures that can be potentially used as architectural modules, soft robotic structures and more.
Year: 2019
Collaboration with: Shahar Asor & Itay Eden
Academic supervisor : Arielle Blonder